Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year! I'm in the Money

I don't like being one of those people who says, "Where did the time go?", yet that is exactly what I keep thinking. 2012 was a whirlwind year, partly because I have children with activities and lots of need to go here, there and everywhere. So I've discovered, 2012 was spent driving children around with some painting and art stuff in between.

I suspect there will be more of the same in 2013.

One of my biggest projects for 2012 has spilled into the new year. I have been painting money with different animals.h. It is so fun and quick, I find it's been a good way to get in the daily doodle and still make all those road trips with kids. Now, I just have a few $100 bills left. 
I'll miss the challenge of coming up with new animals and slang terms each day.
 Maybe I'll get another stack of bills and start all over again.

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